Last weekend, my family and I had the opportunity to camp for two nights in an Arkansas state park, in a yurt. Don’t know what a yurt is? I’ll explain. A yurt is a circular domed tent. Portable yurts do exist, but the yurt where we stayed was a permanent structure. The yurt has a […]
An Open Letter to Dana Dusbiber, an English Teacher Who Doesn’t Want to Teach Shakespeare
Dear Ms. Dusbiber: We don’t know each other, but I’ve been in your English teacher shoes. The other day, I read the Washington Post article that mentions how you no longer want to teach Shakespeare because of your “own personal disinterest in reading stories written in an early form of the English language that [you] cannot always easily […]
How SAHMotherhood Is Like Being Cinderella
Yesterday, as Cinderella was dancing across our TV screen and I was fishing a toy out from under the couch and cleaning whatever I could get while I was at it, I realized something. I’m Cinderella. I work for no pay. I’m expected to cook, clean, do laundry, and be pleasant while all that’s going on. […]
Breaking Mommish
Only a few months after I married my husband back in 2006, I peed on a stick, there was a plus sign, another plus sign, and two lines a couple of times (this was kind of a shock, so I needed lots of confirmation), and I became a mom. I had always wanted to be a […]
Bartending for Moms Everywhere…You’re Welcome
One of my favorite movies from childhood was the 1991 blockbuster hit City Slickers. You’ve probably seen it, so I won’t bore you with the plot summary, but the screenplay’s writers were definitely onto something with the Barry and Ira Shalowitz characters, a pair of adventure-seeking brothers who owned an ice cream empire and one of whom, […]
Carrie On Parenting: The (New) “Would You Rather” Game
Our friends laugh out loud when they see my husband Jeff and me play Rock-Paper-Scissors in parenting situations. The rules are time-honored: we play the best of three rounds, the winner may not gloat, and the loser must do the assigned task without too much griping. After all, he/she lost it fair and square. We have […]
Bring Your Kids to Work Day (Every Day)
I’m lucky enough to have experienced motherhood both as a working mom and one who now stays at home with my children. I was a high school English teacher for 11 years, the last 6 of those years in a Nashville, TN suburb. My husband and I chose that particular suburb because the school system offered on-site daycare for teachers’ children in […]
Hi! I just donated $10 to a great cause and a group of tech-savvy blog fairies are going to come make my blog look better! You can do the same!
The “BroMantic Momedy”: An Analysis of the Two-Couple Friendship Dichotomy
The Bro-Mantic Mom-Edy: (n) Two couples hanging out together, trying to decide if this four-person-friendship thing is gonna work. Please forgive the combining of words, but this is a thing that needed a name. It’s like dating, only harder in some ways, as there are now two couples and four personalities making sure they can […]
It Ain’t Easy Bein’ RWG (Refugees Without Grandparents)
We joined the RWG’s back in 2013 when we moved from middle Tennessee, a mere hour and a half from our three sets of sweet grandparents, to central Arkansas, where those same grandparents who easily made day trips to see us and drove home to sleep in their own beds…must now drive 7.5 hours one […]